
With Invite Requests you can let us invite panelists to your surveys. Whether it is for a new survey or an already existing one, calling the API will lead to invitations beeing send out by us.

In order to be able to do so we need some information on the survey as well as the participants to be invited. Since you have access to all panelists and their IDs, each Invite Request should contain the respective Member IDs you have selected.
We also need some information on the survey itself in order to set the project up properly within our system.


The Invite Requests should be sent to us via JSON/POST to an URL which you will be provided with and should contain the following information:

IMPORTANT: The URL for Invite Requests is different to the URL for status transmission.

Variable Explanation
project_id Unique id for this survey
country_iso_code ISO 3166-2 Country Code
language ISO 639-1 Language Code
loi Length of interview in minutes
completes Overall number of completes needed for the study
supported_devices Values: “desktop”, “mobile” or “all”
survey_url URL of survey
key Unique key for each survey, later used to prevent fraud
respondent_id Member ID of participant
unique_url_id Unique ID for panelist and survey


    "project_information": {
        "project_id": "123456",
        "country_iso_code": "US",
        "language": "en",
        "loi": "15",
        "completes": "1000",
        "supported_devices": "all",
        "key" : "aSwDfg546"
    "survey_url": "https://www.example.com",

    "respondents": [{
        "respondent_id": "349-1-987654321",
        "unique_url_id": "tSfpoCXn4RnFLeftnAFc"
    }, {
        "respondent_id": "349-1-123456789",
        "unique_url_id": "HuPhCSiF7Up8R408FRbm"
    }, {
        "respondent_id": "349-1-5050505050",
        "unique_url_id": "FkiQ6sw9A7uVK6aqdFZ4"